Thursday, August 28, 2014

Law of Attraction - Introduction

Hello and welcome! This is my attempt to pass on the best of what I have learned in applying the principles of The Law of Attraction. I used to think that having positive thoughts, wishing, praying, meditating and hoping all day long was the key to “attracting” what I desired in my life. It’s not - it doesn’t work that way.

There is a saying: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got."

Imagine how different your life would be if you knew that your predominant thoughts create your reality...

Would you attempt to change your thoughts?
How would you go about it?

Whether or not you've heard or read this information before, I know from experience that it helps to be reminded from time to time, because we often get distracted and forget what we need to be doing to make our dreams come true.

As a an adult, you make choices every day. If you are not satisfied with the way your life is going, you need to make different choices. I know now that the passage of time brings opportunities to us all and that fear of change and fear of failure are the biggest obstacles to experiencing what we truly desire.

There are specific language patterns that you must use to re-train your brain, so that your conscious and subconscious thoughts line up with what you want to manifest in your life. In addition to being in the right frame of mind, you must also adopt the right beliefs to match the desired outcome. You can learn how to transform yourself from having destructive thoughts, feelings and actions to having more constructive thoughts, feelings and actions that match your goals.

Is it better health you want? More money?
To stop smoking? A better relationship?
Each of us has hopes and dreams of living a wonderful life, yet we have negative neurological patterns (beliefs) that stop us from reaching our true potential. By studying the Law of Attraction you can learn how to make your dreams come true. It’s not about getting more things or gratifying a whim. It's about learning how to consciously create the life you truly desire.

Realize Your Innate Wholeness and Goodness
Each person born into this world is filled with goodness and light. During the formative years our mind is programed to desire what our parents, teachers and work bosses want from us. To what extent we choose to continue in this state of slavery is up to us.

We have come into this world to learn how to fulfill our own needs and desires. Surely you can think of a moment in your life when you felt that chasing material goals does does not fulfill your deep desire for unbridaled joy. The joy of witnessing a beautiful sunset, the quiet of nature, or an act of kindness, love or compassion between human beings. At these moments, we often feel something resonate within us, something that reminds us of love or beauty. At these moments, we are connecting with our goodness and light, we are remembering our wholeness.
We are created to experience joy. Think about any of your desires–I’ll bet at the heart of each of them is some way to increase the amount of joy you are experiencing in your life. This is good, this is our true nature. Creating consciously is learning to follow these desires, to connect with the goodness within us.

Discover that our Emotions are Teaching Us
In harmony with our true nature, we are hardwired for joy and success. This is why we feel such discomfort when things are not going the way we would prefer. If pain and misery were our natural states, then we’d be content experiencing them. Since they are not, we seek to experience more joy in our lives. Yet, we can learn powerful lessons from our emotions—even the negative ones. Our emotions help us to understand which things we do or do not want. Learn to be aware of your emotions– what are they trying to tell you?

Each of us is born with an emotional guidance system. As a conscious creator, you will use this emotional guidance system as you carefully consider “What do I really desire?”

As you ponder this question, it can be helpful to simply notice what you don’t want. You certainly won’t want to dwell on these things, but do approach them with a casual curiosity. Notice that thinking about things like not having enough money, being frustrated with a person close to you, waiting in traffic, and so on, tend to change the way you are feeling. You may notice some feelings of irritation or sadness. This is your emotional guidance system saying, “I don’t want this.” Use this information to your advantage.

Notice how your emotional guidance system responds to the thoughts you are thinking. What makes you feel more joyful? What doesn’t? Often simply becoming aware of what we don’t want can tell us much about its opposite–what we do want.

Align Yourself with the True Nature of our Universe
Just as a fish is immersed in a sea of water–and is completely unaware of the substance that has always surrounded it–so are we immersed in a sea of unseen knowledge and communication, one that we are only beginning to understand with the help of technology.

I remember once sending some photos from my computer downstairs over the Internet to my wireless computer upstairs. Picture after picture would appear. This is now a commonplace occurrence–something we rarely think about because it is so usual. Yet, as I watched my wireless USB cable blinking rapidly, it struck me as amazing and significant.

Somehow, those pictures were literally leaving my computer downstairs, and flying through the air all around me, and my wireless computer was picking up this signal and recreating the photos before my eyes. I couldn’t see the minuscule bits of information that were traveling at great speed. Yet they were there, and I could see the blinking of the cable, and the files being created on my computer. I could see these results of the unseen. The same applies to televisions, radios and phones.

What else has an existence that we have not yet discovered? What else have we been unaware of? How often do we remember these particles or waves of information traveling all around us?

Learn to be okay with not seeing with your eyes, and not touching with your fingertips. Learn to be comfortable working with the unseen–wireless companies and quantum physicists certainly are!

Wallace Wattles called this sea of knowledge and information the universal substance, and it is a conscious substance that wants to manifest. It needs a shape to manifest in and we provide that shape (form) through the images of our thoughts.

We literally live in a universe of “Ask and Receive.” The world of the seen manifests from the unseen, and the known comes from the unknown. Those who create reality on a conscious level know the power of the inner world and are aware of the truly miraculous nature of our universe.

Understand of the Power of our Thoughts
Did you know that we can choose our thoughts? Thinking is not simply listening to a script running in our head–we can control those thoughts. To create consciously, we need to choose them wisely.

Each time we think a thought, we are influencing the cosmic, life giving energy-we are offering a blueprint to which the energy can form and in time, become tangible matter. When creating consciously, we understand that everything is made from this sea of information, this one conscious substance, and this substance wants to be crystallized into our 3 Dimensional reality.

In order for it to manifest, it simply needs some guidance from you as to what form it should take. Your thoughts send out signals that communicate with this conscious substance which then molds itself into the shape you determine.

Choose your Thoughts Consciously
Once you realize your mind is a powerful source of creation, it’s important to learn to follow this one simple guideline:

- Keep your mind on the things you want, and off the things you don’t want.
One of the best explanations of this is called Developing One-Pointed thought. Ghalil, author of “Professional Dreamer,” describes our thoughts as arrows being sent out into the direction of our desires. One-pointed thought, to me, means to keep your thoughts all pointed at the things you want.

When we create unconsciously, we are in the habit of sending arrows of thought out in every direction. We vacillate, we change our minds, we follow a whim for a few days, then decide we want something else. This is not a helpful means of creation.

Unconscious creators tend to spend much of the time thinking about things they don’t want. What do you suppose they are getting? That’s right. Things they don’t want. How much fun is that?

But when you understand how to direct your arrows–how to consistently think about the things that you DO want–well, that’s when the magic begins.

Keep your mind on the things you want, and off the things you don’t want. Pay attention to what you are thinking about. Certainly be kind to yourself along the way, but notice where your thoughts are leading you. Are they on something you want? Or are you simply ruminating over all the things you’d like different in your life? For the Conscious Creator, the time of “Mind on AutoPilot” is over. Grab the reigns and begin to experience the life YOU choose and desire.

It might be helpful to think of yourself as foreman over a huge construction crew. Each time you think a thought, the crew responds and begins to build the construction of your thought. You say, “I want a large house of brick” and the crew begins to gather the materials together. Perhaps you think this thought often, and the job is underway. Then you say, “No, I think I prefer stucco, and I’d like it to be on the lake front–actually over the water.”

So the crew changes plans and begins work on the lake house. “No, maybe a mountain cabin, in the shape of an A-Frame.” Again, the crew stops what it has been working on, and begins preparation on your mountain home. Let’s say you keep sending out these commands for a long time. Can you imagine the chaos? Pretty soon you are complaining, “Where is my house? It’s been long enough to build a house, where is it?” By now perhaps your crew has started and stopped work on 1200 different houses! They’d probably like to actually get ANY house built, but you are the foreman, and the crew simply follows your orders.

Our thoughts are like these orders, these arrows we send out. Connect with the creative nature of your thoughts, and use them wisely and with focused intention.
Decide what You WANT to Create
To be a conscious creator, it’s important for you to understand your desires. What is it that you want, and why do you want it?

How good are you at knowing what you want and why you want it?
After working with hundreds of people I'd guess most people are about 25 percent effective at knowing what they want. For those that really have decided on what they want, only about 10 percent have the clarity to know why they want it.

Anyone can improve this skill with practice—do it right now! Fill out this little sentence anytime you want to get clear on why you want something.

I want ________________________ because I THINK that getting this will make me feel ___________________ and __________________.

That's it. For example:
I want to live in a beautiful home because I THINK this will make me feel happy to be surrounded by beauty, organized, and in control of my life.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that this knowledge can and will transform your life forever. I wish you all the success that you desire – Vincent Gill
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Remember that “Success is failure turned inside-out,
the silver lining in the clouds of doubt...”
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* Uncover the ultimate E-course on the Law of Attraction!
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Vincent was trained by Dr. Joe Vitale and is listed as a Law of Attraction practitioner on this website:
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